Home / Properties for sale / Las Chapas / Land & Plots With Sea Views in Las Chapas

Land & Plots With Sea Views in Las Chapas


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Reference: R4360702


Plot: 21458 m2

Area: Las Chapas

Type: Land & Plots

Orientation: East

Land & Plots Description

This sector has a total area of 710,458 m², of which 21,458 m² corresponds to this farm. It represents 3.02% of rights and obligations. The sector has a buildable area of 57,234.29 m² for Free Income Housing IN LOW DENSITY, 380 houses in Poblado Mediterráneo and 11 isolated houses. Buildable area of 40,362 m² for Hotels. 3,000 m² Economic Activities Golf Club and Commercial Area Which makes a total of 100,596.29 m² of surface area. Therefore 100,596.29 m² x 3.02% = 3,038 m² of buildable area, which would correspond to this plot.

Land & Plots Features

East Orientation

South Orientation

South East Orientation

South West Orientation

West Orientation

Golf Views

Mountain Views

Panoramic Views

Sea Views

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